“I should really eat better, but I just don’t feel satisfied with skimpy health food and I just don’t have the time to prepare all those complicated meals.” Does this sound like something you have said to yourself?
You are not alone. We are so inundated with gourmet marketing and instant satisfaction that we have come to believe that healthy eating is not fulfilling and is way too much work.
What if I told you that healthy eating can be very satisfying, completely manageable and totally worth it!
Eating is more than just chewing and digesting food.
It is how you nourish your body and mind. Every bit of your health and well-being hinges on what you choose to consistently eat. For example, did you know that most of your serotonin (the feel-good hormone) is produced in your gut? If your digestive system is less than optimal – and it likely is if you have been abusing it with packaged food and choices from the fast food drive-thru lane – then your mood will suffer because you can’t produce enough serotonin. And you must dread flu season because you get sick almost every year since 80% of your immune system is built up in your gut as well.
Starting to see the importance of eating to support your digestive system?
And it goes even further. Think about how many nutrients you are lacking because they are definitely not in any of those instant, less-than-healthy options you are grabbing. And I bet you are battling food cravings too! Perhaps you have stiff, achy joints or indigestion. Maybe you feel puffy and bloated. You may also be suffering with hormonal imbalances or brain fog. The list is virtually endless!
Healthy eating can be manageable, satisfying and delicious with some basic planning and a good solid system.
What you choose to eat is the nourishment for your body and determines how well your biochemistry functions. But how does one go about developing a plan and establishing a system? And how do you know what you should eat – what is actually good for you personally?
A Registered Holistic Nutritionist can work with you to establish what is best to eat based on your current health and food preferences, intolerances and lifestyle. You can start with a Nutri-Body® Analysis which analyzes over 600 bodily signs of nutritional imbalance and allows you to receive the very best nutritional advice possible, based on your unique biochemistry. Or, if you are truly serious about improving your health by eating better without sacrificing delicious to get nutritious, then a complete nutrition plan and coaching program like Metabolic Balance can take you from wherever you are at now to planning and prepping your own fantastic meals that will improve your overall health and wellness.
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